
Immune Competency in the 2020s Part 1 – Let’s widen the lens

The virus is here to stay. To live well, we're going to need to broaden our view (6 min read) After much ado, we now need to learn to deal with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its variants. This means we need to bolster our capacity and draw on all effective resources so that we [...]

Immune Competency in the 2020s Part 1 – Let’s widen the lens2025-03-29T20:22:55+00:00

Immune Competency in the 2020s Part 4 – Let’s be more caring

Care Impacts Immune Competency Viewing the pandemic through a wholistic lens means recognising the impact of mental and emotional stressors, and adjusting our style of communication and demonstrating understanding and compassion, to reduce the negative effects. It's well established that stress significantly impacts how we experience life, and that proper management of stress plays [...]

Immune Competency in the 2020s Part 4 – Let’s be more caring2021-09-26T10:50:11+00:00

Immune Competency in the 2020s Part 3 – Let’s reduce excess inflammation

Inflammation is a natural immune response that protects the body It's important to keep the immune response balanced and appropriate, or in other words, immune competent. (6 minute read) Ninety percent of people who catch the virus SARS-CoV-2 will have mild or no symptoms (Mohammad et al), yet others will develop Corona Virus Disease-19 [...]

Immune Competency in the 2020s Part 3 – Let’s reduce excess inflammation2025-03-29T20:25:20+00:00

What on Earth can we do? (Part 1) Wake up.

Will barbarian forces destroy the planet? 2019. We are in deep trouble. It's pretty easy to feel powerless in crisis situations. Particularly big ones like climate change, rampant species extinction, wars raged by insane and cruel governing forces and growing, crippling economic inequities. It's good to remember, the future hasn't happened yet. It is unfolding [...]

What on Earth can we do? (Part 1) Wake up.2019-10-12T21:09:19+00:00

What on Earth can we do? (Part 2) Get off the train!

How can we shift to a manner of living that serves biodiversity on our planet? Here's thoughts from the inspiring, dedicated environmentalist John Seed OA. John Seed is co-founder of The Rainforest Information Center and has spend many decades implementing effective strategies to save untold hectares of rainforest across the globe. John has also [...]

What on Earth can we do? (Part 2) Get off the train!2019-10-04T03:20:32+00:00

Navigating the plastic mayhem

Not so fantastic plastic This ubiquitous, synthetic material can be shaped into virtually anything and has infiltrated virtually every corner of our modern world. If you look around right now, can you see any? A biro, phone, glossy labels, bottles of cleaning products, sticky tape, credit cards, sunglasses frames, computers, food containers, traffic light covers, [...]

Navigating the plastic mayhem2019-07-10T12:36:11+00:00
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