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Workplace Wellness:
Supporting Menopause at Work
In Australia approximately 20% of the workforce are moving through the Menopause Transition. These women are highly valued and often central to operations and management. Unfortunately, most workplaces are aren’t thinking about menopause nor supporting women move through this major life transition.
Let’s fix this!
The 2023 Report Menopause and the Workplace (n=714) revealed 83% people felt menopause had negatively impacted their work. It reported that 47% of workplaces significantly lacked (and 46% moderately lacked) managerial and cultural awareness about menopause, as well as not providing supports nor resources for women moving through menopause.
45% of the women surveyed had contemplated retiring due to the disruptions of their menopause coupled with the lack of empathy, inclusion and understanding in their workplaces.
Expand your company’s capacity to embrace, respect and support this important life process with engaging education that increases recognition and understanding in the workplace. Health education about menopause increases understanding about this natural maturation process; both the problems and the benefits it brings. This helps establish a culture of empathy and helps develop appropriate workplace supports and flexibility to retain valued and skilled people.
Supportive understanding, empathy, inclusion and greater flexibility are what working women going through menopause are asking for.
The 2023 Victorian Women’s Health Survey of 1,772 Victorians reported that 1 in 3 women were impacted by menopausal symptoms. Some shared how their experiences of fatigue and brain fog impacted both work and life.
There are empowering and positive perspectives about menopause, as well as effective lifestyle and natural remedies that can help these women through what is often a tricky time.
Reap the business benefits of having healthy, mature women on your team.
Let’s discuss your workplace needs.
Menopause Workplace Presentations
Workplace education to enhance knowledge, empathy and support:
- Menopause 101: Understanding The Change – Let’s build awareness about the menopausal transition and its impact. Through interactive components, a culture of empathy is encouraged. Using inquiry and historical context, we develop a deeper sense of value for the qualities of the ‘mature feminine’.
- Menopause 102: Mind and Body Changes and Natural Supports – Expand awareness of the menopause transition and understand the many and varied signs and symptoms women can experience. We consider brain fog, body shape issues and mood fluxes using wholistic naturopathic approach, providing traditional and scientifically validated therapies to reduce these common symptoms.
- Menopause 103: Approaches and Therapeutics for Thriving through the Menopause Transition – An exploration of therapeutic options to help women manage and minimise signs and symptoms, as well as reduce risk of chronic disease development. This includes an overview of menopausal hormonal therapy (MHT) and a deep dive into effective lifestyle medicines, nutritional medicines, herbal medicines and hydrotherapy.
Give your executives and employees relevant, evidenced-based workplace wellness education about menopause – including intranet access to your presentation recording as well as written materials.
PLUS your staff can partake in the Shape Your Menopause 12-week Program
Our approach presents menopause in a positive and empowering light, highlighting what ‘the mature woman’ brings to businesses and groups.
Since 2005, we’ve listened to company’s needs, and tailored presentations to meet them and seed real change. We’d love to work with you too.
About the Presenter:
Sally Mathrick Grad Dip Comp Med Man (Uni Tas), B Naturopathy (Science) (SCU), B Arts (Melb Uni), FASLM MNHAA
Sally is an experienced health practitioner and educator with contagious passion for wellness.
Her reputation as a speaker is built on her ability to inspire people with an authentic humility, as well as translate complex health information into simple, usable, actionable kernels, that support both personal and collective well-being.
She is a Fellow of Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine, current lecturer at Torrens University, runs health programs via Sparkle Well School and is a life long learner.
Workplace Wellness:
Since 2006 Sally has delivered over 100 workplace wellness presentations. She delivers professional, experiential, applicable actionable, and evidence-based insights on Stress Management, Sleep Enhancement, Positive Psychology, Women’s Health, and many other health topics.
Professional Conferences:
Sally has provided keynotes and conference presentations at professional conferences, predominantly on scientific benefits of fasting, nature connection and wholistic health. Conferences include:
- Naturopaths and Medical Herbalists of New Zealand 2022
- International Conference Naturopaths and Herbalists Association of Australia 2019
- Australian Naturopathic Summit 2018
- Lifestyle Medicine 2016 & 2017
- IMER at The Alfred Hospital 2012
- National Conference GastroEnterological Nurses College of Australia 2008
- Byron Integrative Medicine Conference 2005
Festivals and Community:
Sally has also provided dozens of community based talks as well as workshops and presentations at festivals, such as Seven Sisters, Rainbow Serpent and NewKind Conference.